Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A tsunami of pesticides

The Asian tsunami of 2004 is said to have killed over 200 000 people, but as many people are killed every year through pesticides, according to this article.

ZCommunications | The Killing Fields Of Multi-National Corporations by Vandana Shiva | ZSpace:
The Bhopal gas tragedy was the worst industrial disaster in human history. Twenty-five thousand people died, 500,000 were injured, and the injustice done to the victims of Bhopal over the past 25 years will go down as the worst case of jurisprudence ever.

The gas leak in Bhopal in December 1984 was from the Union Carbide pesticide plant which manufactured 'carabaryl' (trade name 'sevin') - a pesticide used mostly in cotton plants. It was, in fact, because of the Bhopal gas tragedy and the tragedy of extremist violence in Punjab that I woke up to the fact that agriculture had become a war zone. Pesticides are war chemicals that kill - every year 220,000 people are killed by pesticides worldwide.

Monday, July 26, 2010

SAFCEI AGM 10 August 2010


Notice is hereby given of the fourth Annual General Meeting of the Southern African Faith Communities' Environment Institute, which will be held at St Francis of Assisi Anglican Church, 44 Tyrone Avenue, Parkview, Johannesburg on Tuesday 10 August 2010. (For directions, if needed, ?: 011 646 2660.)

The gathering will start with a finger supper at 17h30 for 18h00, with the meeting itself beginning at 19h00. RSVP for catering purposes by 6 August.

Thank you.

We also hereby give formal notice of our intention to change SAFCEI's financial year to coincide with the calendar year as from 1 January 2011.

This will be discussed at the AGM.

Bishop Geoff Davies
Executive Director

For catering purposes, please respond by Friday 6 August 2010 and include the following info:

Faith community/organisation you represent:
Phone number:
Any dietary requirements.

RSVP by 6 August 2010: email: /Tel: 021 701 8145 (am
only) / fax: 086 696 9666 / mail to SAFCEI, Box 106, Kalk Bay, 7990.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Green Prophet Flies To: Mazen Abboud’s Environment Blog in Lebanon | Green Prophet

Green Prophet Flies To: Mazen Abboud’s Environment Blog in Lebanon | Green Prophet:
The growing awareness of environmental issues throughout the Middle East is manifested in the Internet, which includes an ever growing number of websites, forums and blogs focusing on the environment. Some of the blogs are written in Arabic, others are written in Arabic and include translation into English, and, yet, others are written only in English.

In this weekly review “Green Prophet Flies To…”, we’ll look at a blog from a different country in the Middle East. We aim to give clues to the current environmental issues that each country is dealing with, as well as talk about the identity of the bloggers and the environmental agendas they pursue in their own countries and in the region at large. Here you will find valuable data, opinions and news on environmental topics and exploits which are not discussed anywhere else.

This week we fly to Lebanon and look at Mazen Abboud’s Blog, active from April 2009. In his blog Mazen Abboud writes that he is “an environmentalist, a freelance journalist and a businessman.”
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